National Expert on ABS Policy – UNDP – Manila

Duties and Responsibilities
Under the direct supervision of the ISD Programme Manager through the ISD Programme Analyst, the National Expert on ABS Policy and Institutional Building shall:
Under Component 1, the national expert will support the Project Design Specialist to collect information on and conduct the following analysis:
Rapid technical review of the national and regional level policy and legislative frameworks for ABS and Nagoya Protocol implementation:
Review existing legal and policy instruments (pertaining to biodiversity conservation and ABS from the use of plan genetic resources) to identify gaps that need to be addressed to promote/incorporate the mainstreaming of sustainable use and plants with medicinal value, and support mechanisms for increased access and benefit sharing from their use;
Review of relevant national policy and strategy documents, including the PBSAP, Philippine Genetics Access and Benefit Sharing Bill, National Wildlife Act, Technology Transfer Act, Intellectual Property-related laws, Enhanced National Integrated Protected Areas System Act, IPRA, and other relevant ones as appropriate;
Based on the review, contribute to the preparation of detailed recommendations of the policies, laws and strategies that are required/need to be reviewed to facilitate the integration of ABS principles and Nagoya Protocol provisions into the access, control, utilisation and management of plant genetic resources in Philippines;
Based on the review, prepare detailed recommendations for strengthening the local and national regulatory environment to empower community institutions/local authorities, as well as other government institutions at local and national levels to prevent biopiracy and enforce rules and regulations against biopiracy.
Review proposed indicators and where relevant propose new ones for each outcome and output, and establish baselines and targets to be monitored and tracked during implementation, for inclusion in the Results Framework as appropriate.
Under Component 2, the national consultant is expected to lead together with the Stakeholder Engagement and Safeguards Specialist, the capacity assessment of stakeholders.

Capacity assessments at management and decision-making levels:
Identify the capacity building needs (skills, tools and resources) of the relevant government, non-government and community level institutions for implementation of Nagoya Protocol provisions and application of Access and Benefit Sharing regimes at the national level, and to monitor and enforce laws and policies that promote ABS and prevent biopiracy;
Based on assessments and analysis, make preliminary recommendations for training/capacity strengthening programme targeting decision-makers at the national and sub-national levels to develop, implement and enforce laws and policies for ABS and the Nagoya Protocol and prevention of biopiracy.

Capacity assessments at the local or community levels:
Identify the capacity of community level institutions to develop/inform the development of guidelines, procedures, standards and codes of conduct to operationalise ABS provisions at local levels;
Identify the training and capacity building needs for community-based institutions and natural resource-user groups and associations (e.g. CBOs, Traditional Authorities, traditional healers’ association) to both inform decision-making (i.e. meaningful participation) and integrate information into decision-making at resource-use and landscape levels;
Conduct assessments for development of community-based monitoring systems to enable stakeholders to understand, monitor and mitigate changes to the conservation, sustainable use and implementation of fair and equitable benefit-sharing mechanisms for key genetic species; Based on assessments, make preliminary recommendations for a training/capacity strengthening programme targeting extension officers and communities to understand, adopt/integrate, enforce and monitor resource access, use and ABS at genetic resource use levels.
Review proposed Outputs, indicators and targets under Component 1 and where relevant propose new ones for each outcome and output, and establish baselines and targets to be monitored and tracked during implementation, for inclusion in the Results Framework as appropriate.
The institutional capacity assessment to be conducted will utilise the UNDP Capacity Scorecards and similar tools to measure capacity levels and establish baselines;
Propose mid-term and end-of-project targets.

Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
Expertise in data collection and analysis
Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines;
Strong analytical and research skills; and
Excellent organizational, and communication skills;

Required Skills and Experience
Offers will be evaluated based on combined scoring method – where the Technical Proposal will be evaluated based on qualifications in the CV and brief description of previous work. The Technical evaluation is weighted a max. of 70%.
The Financial Proposal that will be evaluated through submission of the Offeror’s Letter to UNDP Confirming Insterest and Availability for the IC including Financial Proposal Template and combined with the price offer will be weighted a max of 30%;If you are experiencing difficulties with online job applications, please contact